Bar Kohde
Today: ClosedKitchen: Closed
Bar Kohde is a bar where it is easy to have fun spending time with your friends and time just flies by. You can stop for a brief visit or to come and party for longer. It is never a bad day if you are having fun. We have long business hours, so the party goes on before and after at our restaurant.
Tervetuloa maistelemaan erilaisia oluita Kohteen olut-tasting iltaan
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Herkuttele edullisemmin etukuponkien avulla!
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Minne syömään tai lasilliselle ystävän tai kumppanin kanssa Lahdessa? Katso vinkit Lahden ravintolatarjonnasta.
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Parhaat tärpit after workin viettoon Lahden keskustassa
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Aleksanterinkatu 10