Welcome to the taste journey of Asia!
Crunchy, hot and fresh!
Delicious flavors, tasty drinks and great moments to share!
Group bookings and inquiries from the sales service on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on +358 (0)10 764 2000 (inf/mcf) or sales.suur-savo@sok.fi
Current news
In Mikio friendship is celebrated all weekend 14. - 15. 2.
In Mikio friendship is celebrated all weekend 14. - 15. 2.
Meillä Mikiossa on suunniteltu erikoismenut Ystävänpäiväviikonlopulle ja
ihana DJ M1sk4 soittaa tunnelmaan sopivaa musiikkia klo 17 eteenpäin.
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Shanghai Taco weeks in Mikio 7.1-1.3.2025
Shanghai Taco weeks in Mikio 7.1-1.3.2025
Shanghai Taco weeks in Mikio 7.1-1.3.2025
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A restaurant voucher – a scrumptiously delicious present!
A restaurant voucher – a scrumptiously delicious present!
Celebrate a loved one, a bride and groom, a birthday or your company’s staff with restaurant vouchers to S Group restaurants!
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Sales service experts at your service
Sales service experts at your service
When you require conference facilities, restaurant services or group accommodation in South Savo, the sales services have the solutions and experts you need.
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contact information
Raatihuoneenkatu 4