Tuore kahvi & lämmin pulla. Se on siinä.
Enjoy a refreshing coffee moment Presso brings a positive glimpse to the day and a quiet moment to your busy schedule. Stop by for a cup of fresh coffee in our cosy café; we are here everyday! The smell of freshly baked goods entice, and our generous sandwiches offer an honest meal. Some of our Presso cafés also serve a diverse lunch buffet.
Current news
Kuopion Pizza&Buffan ja Presson hiihtoloma
Kuopion Pizza&Buffan ja Presson hiihtoloma
Tervetuloa koko perheen voimin hiihtolomalla herkuttelemaan Kuopion Pressoon ja Pizza&Buffaan! Ravintolamaailmassa on lapsille luvassa myös kaikenlaista mukavaa puuhaa.
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14.2. ystävänpäivän etukupongit S-mobiilissa!
14.2. ystävänpäivän etukupongit S-mobiilissa!
S-mobiilista löydät maistuvat edut ystävänpäivään! Nappaa ystävä mukaan ja tule hyödyntämään etusi.
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Presso's traditional potato flatbread with salmon or turkey
Presso's traditional potato flatbread with salmon or turkey
Freshly baked flatbread – is there anything better? Presso's potato flatbread is topped with cold-smoked salmon or turkey. Flatbread and coffee or tea now for €6.50 with the S-Etukortti card.
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New refreshing White Chocolate Mint Latte at Presso!
New refreshing White Chocolate Mint Latte at Presso!
At Presso, mint and white chocolate come together in a refreshing coffee drink. The white chocolate mint latte is worth trying, it's easy to fall in love with!
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