Green Key certificate for Suur-Savo Cooperative Society’s restaurants and cafés

A facility that has received the Green Key environmental label has committed to increasing its staff’s and customers’ environmental awareness; improving the efficiency of its energy and water consumption, and reducing the strain of its accommodation and restaurant activities on the environment. Green Key certified companies are entitled to use the internationally recognised Green Key environmental label and receive the continuous support of the programme for its environmental work.

“As a regional pioneer in the industry, we want to promote and highlight the significance of environmental deeds in the hospitality business. With the help of the Green Key programme, it is easy to further develop sustainable tourism that we have been implementing for years,” notes Kai Nurmi, the business unit manager at the Suur-Savo Cooperative Society.

To receive the Green Key certificate, a company must fulfil 70 criteria which include management practices that promote the welfare of the environment, reducing consumption, environmentally friendly practices and the efficiency of recycling. The certificate is applied for for a year at a time, and the points criteria increases annually, and the facility’s environmental goals evolve. Thanks to this approach, environmental goals are a part of everyday work in the Suur-Savo Cooperative Society’s hotels, restaurants and cafés.

“It has been interesting to follow the Suur-Savo Cooperative Society’s restaurants’ application process for the Green Key certificate. It is an excellent example of how environmental work is successful when both the management of a company as well as the rest of the staff are committed to it,” rejoices Heidi Heinonen, the Green Key programme director.

The Suur-Savo Cooperative Society’s Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna in Mikkeli and Seurahuone in Savonlinna have been Green Key hotels for several years as have the hotels' restaurants. In 2020 and 2021, the Green Key label has been granted to Café Stella, Amarillo, Pruuvi, Päämaja, Wilhelm, Presso, PizzaBuffa and Greeneri in Mikkeli. In Savonlinna, the label has been given to Restaurant Majakka, Presso, Rosso Express as well as Olavinlinna restaurants. UKKO Bistro and Deli in Pieksämäki has also been Green Key certified.

Further information on the Green Key environmental label here.

Restaurant chains

Babista Kebab Revolution
Bacaro Doppio Cafe & Deli
Coffee House
Frans & les Femmes
Grill it!
La Famiglia
Prisma Cafe
Public Corner
Rosso Express
Rosso Pizza

SOK Travel and Hospitality Industry Chain Management

Street address:

Fleminginkatu 34, 00510 Helsinki

Postal address:

P.O. Box 1, 00088 S GROUP, Finland

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Sales service, Helsinki metropolitan area

0300 870 020 (weekdays from 8 am to 6 pm)

51 cents per min + local network charge/mobile call charge

All the Sales Services


+358 10 76 8011 (weekdays from 8 am to 5 pm)

local network charge/mobile call charge

General information


Feedback links for individual restaurants are found on each restaurant’s own website